Care and Concern

Care and Concern


The Care and Concern Team seeks to proactively enhance the well-being and safety of the University's students and employees by:

Providing a centralized point of contact for persons who develop a concern about the welfare of an individual.

Taking appropriate action, by referring individuals to the resources that can provide the support/assistance needed to safely maintain successful relationship to the University.

Providing training and education to the University community.

Chapter members can assist in this effort by referring individuals for whom they have a concern to the Care and Concern Team. Any member of a chapter can submit an alert to the Care and Concern Team at any time.

The below reference table provides example behaviors and what level of intervention such behaviors may warrant:


High Risk Behaviors:

Behavior indicates imminent safety risk to the individual or community

Moderate Risk Behaviors:

Behavior that is not typically life threatening; may signal that an individual's coping skills are

being challenged

Low Risk Behaviors: Behavior

may interfere with academic or personal success but not likely to indicate a risk to life or safety

Example Behaviors

  • Expressedintent to harm self or others
  • Brandishinga weapon
  • Suicideattempt orthreat
  • Bizarredelusions orhallucinations

Example Behaviors:

  • Indirect threats to self or others or disturbing content in academic work
  • Erratic behavior or expressing hopelessness/helplessness
  • Withdrawal from friends or daily

Example Behaviors:

  • Frequent class absences
  • Changes in appearance or hygiene
  • Difficulty adjusting to college life
  • Uncooperative

What to do:

  • EMERGENCY: 911

What to do:

  • Document the behavior and refer Care and Concern Team

What to do

  • Refer to resources or refer Care and Concern Team