Mission and Focus Areas
Through collaboration with international organizations, alumni, and the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Mississippi State University fosters, a well-rounded college experience by providing membership development, academic support, and engagement opportunities.
In addition to this mission statement, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life works with chapters to promote success in four primary areas: Academic Excellence, Chapter Advancement, Member Development, and Member Wellness. These four areas have been outlined by our office as the foundation of healthy fraternity and sorority chapters and advance the missions of each of our chapters in line with the Division of Student Affairs at Mississippi State University values and goals. Below is a description of each of the focus areas and how they align with the Division of Student Affairs and Mississippi State University.
Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence includes academic performance of the membership, supportive and accountability measures implemented by the chapter to promote academic performance, and the work of the chapter done to engage faculty and other university partners.
Components: Achievement, persistence, goal setting and progress, programming, accountability, faculty engagement, housing environment, and career exploration.
Division Goals: Student Learning
Leadership Development - increasing one’s ability to inspire a shared vision, act with integrity, and work collaboratively for positive change that benefits others
Well-being - the pursuit of a rewarding quality of life and a healthy and safe community
Social Responsibility - the commitment to positively impact the campus and larger communities
Developing Autonomy - demonstrating a capacity for independent thinking, decision making, and self-governance
Chapter Advancement
Chapter Advancement includes the recruitment and/or intake efforts of an organization, as well as the retention and engagement of members throughout their career at the institution.
Components: Membership selection practices (non-discrimination, membership criteria, member education on practices), prospective member education, retention of membership, recruitment statistics (growth, council metrics), and roster management.
Division Goals: Student Engagement
Promote opportunities for student involvement in student organizations, volunteer service, health and wellness activities, student life, and university traditions
Expand leadership development programs to support active and innovative student leader communities
Develop and improve facilities that support student programs, services, and activities
Increase opportunities for student engagement in local, regional, national, and global communities
Member Development
Member Development includes personal and professional development such as career readiness and networking, communication skills, and personal values and leadership.
Components: Educational programming communication and interpersonal relationships; leadership development; member engagement; civic engagement; and development throughout the life of the member.
Division Goals: Divisional Effectiveness, Student Learning, and Communication & Technology
Leadership Development - increasing one’s ability to inspire a shared vision, act with integrity, and work collaboratively for positive change that benefits others
Social Responsibility - the commitment to positively impact the campus and larger communities
Developing Autonomy - demonstrating a capacity for independent thinking, decision making, and self-governance
Develop appropriate assessment processes to evaluate existing and future programs, services, facilities, and activities
Align resources to support existing and future programs, services, facilities, and activities
Increase and enhance visibility of programs, services, facilities, and activities
Increase and enhance methods of reaching students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders
Member Wellness
Member Wellness includes a holistic approach to personal wellness including traditional risk management areas, stress management, and building healthy relationships.
Components: Accountability and self-governance, risk reduction education (hazing prevention, alcohol and other drugs, fire/life safety), proactive risk reduction efforts, and wellness programming (mental health, emotional well-being, healthy lifestyles).
Division Goals: Student Learning, Communication & Technology, and Student Engagement
Well-being - the pursuit of a rewarding quality of life and a healthy and safe community
Social Responsibility - the commitment to positively impact the campus and larger communities
Developing Autonomy - demonstrating a capacity for independent thinking, decision making, and self-governance
Increase and enhance visibility of programs, services, facilities, and activities
Increase and enhance the use of technology to support student learning and success
Develop and improve facilities that support student programs, services, and activities
Increase opportunities for student engagement in local, regional, national, and global communities