Panhellenic Chapter Cost Tables

Panhellenic Chapter Cost Tables

*Estimated Total Semesterly Cost*

The first chart is a summary of all costs per semester. The cost in the last three charts do not need to be added to the first summary chart.


New Member

Member – Non-Resident

Member – Resident


1st Semester

2nd Semester

1st Semester

2nd Semester

1st Semester

2nd Semester

Alpha Chi Omega







Alpha Delta Pi







Chi Omega







Delta Delta Delta







Delta Gamma







Kappa Delta







Phi Mu







Pi Beta Phi







Zeta Tau Alpha







* Dues & Fees are Subject to Change


*Breakdown of Above Chart*

Each category broken down below is included in the totals in the above chart. 


Room Fee/Rent

Weekday Meals - Resident

Weekday Meals - Non-Resident

Meals per Week

Non-Resident Parlor Fee

New Member Fee

Initiation Fee

Alpha Chi Omega








Alpha Delta Pi








Chi Omega



$1525; $890 - New Members

Resident: 14
Non-Resident: 9




Delta Delta Delta




Resident: 14
Non-Resident: 9




Delta Gamma




Resident: 14
Non-Resident: 9




Kappa Delta




Resident: 14
Non-Resident: 9




Phi Mu




Resident: 14
Non-Resident: 9




Pi Beta Phi


Included in Rent






Zeta Tau Alpha








* Dues & Fees are Subject to Change


*Breakdown of Above Chart*

Each category broken down below is included in the totals in the above chart. 



Social Fee

Inter-/National Office Fee


Sisterhood Fee

Philanthropy/Community Service Fee

Badge Cost

Alpha Chi Omega


Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues


Alpha Delta Pi


Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

$50 per Philanthropy Event


Chi Omega


Included in Dues



Included in Dues

Included in Dues


Delta Delta Delta


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Assessed at each philanthropy event


Delta Gamma



Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Kappa Delta


Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

$12 per Year


Phi Mu


Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

$50-75 per Philanthropy Event


Pi Beta Phi



Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Included in Dues

Zeta Tau Alpha


Included in Dues

Included in Dues


Included in Dues

Assessed at each Philanthropy Event


* Dues & Fees are Subject to Change


*Breakdown of Above Chart*

Each category broken down below is included in the totals in the above chart. 


T-Shirt Fee

House Corporation Fee

Capital Improvement/House Fund

Technology Fee

Additional Fees/Assessments

Payment Plan Options

Alpha Chi Omega

Purchases Optional



Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20

Installment Options

Alpha Delta Pi

Purchases Optional

$125 one-time fee


Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Chi Omega

Purchases Optional



Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Delta Delta Delta

Purchases Optional



Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Delta Gamma

Purchases Optional



$30 Greekbill

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Kappa Delta

Purchases Optional


$250 per year

Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Phi Mu

Purchases Optional


$500 one-time fee

Included in Dues

Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Pi Beta Phi

Purchases Optional


$275 one-time fee


Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

Zeta Tau Alpha

Purchases Optional




Greek Fee $20; Infrastructure Fee $20

Installment Options

* Dues & Fees are Subject to Change